Should I wash new sheets?

Should I wash new sheets? Read on to find out!

We all know how tempting it is to just jump on the freshly delivered bedding set from the store. That crisp, soft, white sheet can be one heck of a temptation to surmount especially when the bed looks bare and diving into those divine and cushion threads beckons on the tiredness inside of us.

But! You have got to stop yourself from sailing into bed and listen to the voice that says, “Should I wash my new sheets?”

Regardless of the debate surrounding the use of new sheets almost immediately, you should go with the one that limits and minimize the risk of discomforts that comes with using a new sheet almost immediately after you buy them.

While some people say washing new sheets is not necessary or even silly, there are quite some others who would lose a night’s sleep should they sleep on unwashed new sheets.

Here are the main things you need to take into consideration:

  • New bedsheets may contain remnants of unwanted chemicals that are bad for the skin.
  • New bedsheets could contain other  unpleasant smells.
  • Washing and air drying is the best way to get rid of unwanted odours from new bedsheets.
  • Test the quality of new bedsheets by washing them.


Wondering Whether You Should Wash Your New Sheets?

We understand how difficult it is to know who you should listen to. Heck! Some new sheets come in packages labelled “Do not wash before use”  while others simply leave you blank. This however does not mean all new sheets don’t need washing before you snuggle in.

If you are asking, “Should I wash my new sheets?” ask no more. We are here to settle the debate. In this article we will show you why you should always wash new bedsheets before use. 

Why You Should Wash New Sheets Before Use


Washing New Sheets Removes Harmful Chemicals

Is your sheet missing a label that tells you whether to wash or not before use? Go ahead and still wash. This will help to eliminate the remnant chemical treatments used on the fabric in the manufacturing process.

You’ll never see a wrinkled bedsheet on the shelf because sizing and starch are used as additives in sheet processing to give the crisp and smooth finish that we all love.

 Nevertheless, you definitely don’t want those additives coming in contact with your skin (or your family member’s skin). It may damage or irritate the skin.

 Chemicals used in sheet manufacturing such as butane, propane and formaldehyde may  require you to want to wash your sheets at least once, if not multiple times, to remove all residue before you use them.

Should I wash my new sheets if it’s organic?

Organic is the new rave in town and buying organic sheets is definitely a great idea for a number of reasons. Organic cotton is excellent for you if you have  sensitive skin. In addition to it,  breathable fabrics like organic cotton can give you a better night’s sleep.

However just because your sheets are organic doesn’t mean there are no chemicals at all.

While organic cotton isn’t exposed to wrinkle-free treatments and other products that may lose a threat, the processing is often done on machinery and often comes in plastic.  So we advise that you wash new sheets whether they are organic or not.

Washing and Air Drying Helps Remove Unpleasant Odors

The plastic packaging used to wrap non-food related products often has more harmful chemicals than you can think of.

You may want to get rid of that chemical waft as soon as possible and the best way to do so is to wash and air dry those new sheets.The sun will help to eliminate the chemical smell naturally.

Note: Avoid tumble drying your sheets to avoid shrinkage.

Washing New Bedsheets is a Good Way to Check the Quality

The best way to see if new bedsheets measure up to the quality or standard you desire is to throw them into the water. 

Inspect material after washing and if there are minor defects, you will be able to detect them easily. Loose ends and colours that bleed will naturally peep out of their hiding place.

If your new sheets begin to fade after a single wash, this will be a good indication that they won’t stand the test of time.

Washing Helps You Avoid Unpleasant Stains

It is not uncommon to buy a bedsheet only for you to sleep and notice the colours of the bedsheet did a number on your clothes or bed.

This is because bed sheets use dyes to give them those hues we so love but at the same time, qualities of these dyes vary. In addition to the discoloration, if you have a sensitive skin, you may react to some of these dyes.

In order to avoid going through such ordeal, save yourself the trouble and soak that sheet in water. And while you’re at it, try to soak it seperately.

Washing Helps You See the Level of Shrinkage

 Most manufacturers boast of having pre-shrunk material. Nevertheless, do go ahead and wash your new sheets because labels are not reliable.

 If you have a high mattress or have a pillow top, shrinkage might mean your sheets no longer fit.

Washing Guarantees Your Money Back

You should wash your new sheets within the return policy window,  that way you can send back your purchase and reclaim your money. If your sheets fade or bleed colours too much, you can exchange for another brand. 

If you have shrinkage problems, you can even exchange for a bigger sheet. So hurry and wash that new sheet while your return policy window is still valid.


The majority of people wash their new sheets before they use them and having seen the pros of washing new sheets, you definitely want to go with the majority. You have nothing to lose.

Remember, the health and safety of you and your family members is more important that that temptation to spread the sheets and cozy up in bed.

Next time you get a new sheet or if you have one staring at you right now, throw that piece of fabric into the water and be rest assured either way it ends, you will be the winner.

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