6 Mistakes to avoid when buying a new SOFA 

Not Deciding on a Budget before Shopping

buying the wrong size

A small sofa might appear tiny in a large living room, just as a giant couch can feel crowded in a small living room. If you have a restricted amount of floor space, you should know how much furniture can fit comfortably in that area and pick appropriately.


Choosing the Wrong Size

Buying a Sofa without Sitting on it

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We always recommend that you double-check that the sofa’s arms are at the proper height. This is the most common issue that people overlook.

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Choosing the wrong fabric

There are a few things you need know about textiles in order to locate your perfect match. Cotton, linen, and wool are natural fibres that are soft, breathable, and long-lasting. They will last longer than synthetic materials like polyester or acrylic.

Think about style in a long-term way

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